Landscape initiative maturity framework
As the number of organizations participating in and engaging with landscape initiatives grows, a common understanding of what makes them credible and effective is needed to ensure that the resources available to strengthen and implement landscape initiatives can be targeted effectively to deliver greatest impact.

LandScale has developed nine sub-criteria aligned to the four main criteria of integrated landscape management outlined in CDP’s Landscape Maturity Matrix, enabling organizations implementing or supporting landscape initiatives to gain a better understanding of the minimal elements of what constitutes a mature landscape intiative.
The criteria help to determine whether an initiative contains the elements necessary for lasting positive impact and resilience over time and are designed to signpost where landscape initiatives need additional support to deliver impact, as well as simplifying reporting for SBTN’s and CDP’s disclosure frameworks.
Landscape initiative maturity framework
Landscape boundary
- • The boundary that the landscape initiative is aiming to exert influence over follows the boundary of either a jurisdiction, watershed, or another area considered of ecological or socio-economic importance which is at least 10,000 Ha
Stakeholder engagement
- • At least 3 different stakeholder groups are involved in the initiative
Formal partnership
- • A written collaboration agreement has been developed and signed by participating landscape stakeholders to formalize the partnership
- • At least 3 landscape goals have been identified, including at least 1 environmental goal and 1 social goal. Each goal includes a specific, measurable milestone that the initiative aims to achieve by a specific date e.g. reduce deforestation by 20% in relation to the 2020 baseline by 2030
Action plan
- • A collective action plan that aims to contribute to meeting the defined landscape goals has been developed and is publicly available
Activity monitoring
- • Regular reports are produced to describe the progress and setbacks in implementing the activities included in the action plan
Landscape baseline
- • A baseline assessment of the ecological and social condition of the landscape has been conducted and is publicly available. This should include at least 1 indicator that is relevant to each landscape goal
Landscape performance monitoring
- • A time-series including at least two results (the baseline result and one more recent result) is publicly available for all indicators included in the baseline assessment
Landscape performance validation
- • All results included in the baseline assessment of landscape performance, or subsequent assessments of landscape performance, have been validated by an entity with some degree of independence from those involved in conducting the assessment and the landscape initiative